Lighting R&D Workshop: What is Ideal Light?


by | Aug 4, 2024 | 0 comments

Ian Ashdown, P. Eng. (Ret.), FIES Senior Scientist
SunTracker Technologies Ltd.

U.S. Department of Energy
Co-sponsored by the Illuminating Engineering Society

View the full presentation here.


Lighting Design Software Today

  • Physically realistic renderings
  • Illuminance and luminance
  • Visual glare (UGR)
  • Daylight factor (DF)
  • Spatial daylight availability (sDA)
  • Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE)
  • Physically realistic renderings
  • Illuminance and luminance
  • Visual glare (UGR)
  • Daylight factor (DF)
  • Spatial daylight availability (sDA)

Lighting Design Software Tomorrow

  • Visualization
  • Lighting controls
  • Color-changing
  • Dynamic lighting
  • Adaptive lighting
  • Virtual sensors
  • Color vision
  • Circadian
  • Germicidal
  • Horticultural

Lighting Design Visualization

  • Networked lighting controls
  • Color-tunable luminaires
  • Building façade lighting
  • Adaptive streetlighting

Virtual Sensors

  • Human Vision
    • Color sensor (CIE xyY)
    • Color rendering (TM-30)
    • Spectroradiometer
  • Circadian-based lighting
    • Melanopic luxmeter
    • Circadian dosimete
  • Germicidal
    • UV-C irradiance
    • UV-C fluence rate
  • Horticulture
    • PAR (quantum) sensors
    • Daily Light Integral (DLI)
    • Spectroradiometer

Lighting Design Software Tomorrow TODAY?

  • All tools and features discussed here have been
    implemented and validated
  • Experimental lighting design software only
  • Commercial availability dependent on market

View the full presentation here.

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