Academic Articles and ResearchHorticultureLighting Quality
Lighting Uniformity in Horticulture

Lighting Uniformity in Horticulture

Written in 2015, “Greenhouse Design and Control” (Ponce et al. 2015) is extraordinarily comprehensive in its coverage of greenhouse design issues, from site selection through structural load bearing analysis and ventilation technologies to greenhouse automation using adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems. On the topic of greenhouse lighting, however, it has only this to say: “The light level in the greenhouse should be adequate and uniform for crop growth.”

Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist of SunTracker Technologies mentioned in LD+A Magazine

Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist of SunTracker Technologies mentioned in LD+A Magazine

The IES has introduced ANSI/IES RP-45-21, Recommended Practice: Horticultural Lighting, to describe the differences between architectural and horticultural lighting design. The document is paramount for lighting professionals interested in designing atria, greenhouses and indoor farms.

Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist of All Things Lighting® Association Published in LED Professional Review

Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist of All Things Lighting® Association Published in LED Professional Review

What does the metaverse, the promised “next chapter for the internet” (Mark Zuckerberg, 2021), have to do with architectural lighting? It will be after all an immersive virtual world where people will gather to socialize, play, and work.

Academic Articles and ResearchHorticultureLight Pollution
Quantifying Light Pollution Sources

Quantifying Light Pollution Sources

time light pollution is sadly familiar to all of us. While our grandparents and great-grandparents may talk fondly of seeing the Milky Way in their youth, with thousands of stars scattered across the dark summer sky, we are mostly content with seeing a few dozen stars through the never-ending dusk of urban and suburban skies.